After upgrading to an ACS Minima, it’s time to sell my fully working Sage Duo-Temp Pro.
Everything is included but the double walled single basket and a filter. The basket has been misplaced but I will try to find it. If I can’t, I’ve seen on eBay that you can buy all the baskets as a replacement for £5 plus postage. There’s also no filter included, but if you follow the water recipe thread on the forum or you use RO water, then you won’t need one. The machine also uses a different filter design as it seems Sage changed it at some point.
The machine could do with another backflush and a descale. I’ve also cleaned the outside since the included picture of the machine with non toxic Alkimi Shiny Surface cleaner which is effectively the same as the non toxic Method version. Comes from a smoke free home. I have a dog but she’s not tried to make an espresso on it as she doesn’t have opposable thumbs.
I bought it from AO in April 2018, so there’s no warranty. I’ve also seen that there’s an IMS screen that you can upgrade to that seems to help pull a better shot. It’s around £25. Might be a worthwhile.
Location is NW London.
Price is either:
£150 if you want to pick it up or,
£165 which includes fully insured DPD protection for the value of the item.