Have never ran out to be honest… also, after having gotten tired of dealing with ordering, cost, waiting for shipment, etc. from commercial roasters I gladly started roasting my own. These days I keep upwards of 90 lbs onhand for personal consumption (stored in a very ‘proper’ manner), rotate the stash and use as needed. I can roast what I want, when I need it, never stuck with the profiles of commercial roasted stuff and I’m saving an average of 50% in the process. I’ve pushed some green I had onhand upwards of 1 yr in my possession and the last batch was still easily as good as the 1st, so I definitely don’t buy into the ‘6 month’ use for greens. Anyway, of course home roasting isn’t for everyone, but my only regret is not doing it sooner than I did, going on 7 yrs now.