Wish me luck all. After a rollercoaster 3 months I’ve had a late life ADHD diagnosis and had a much more in depth discussion about my caffeine habits, recently in coffee but also in form of red bull and coca cola in my youth and turns out I was probably self medicating to a degree with my caffeine consumption.
But now I have proper medication but that means no form of caffeine for at least a month, possibly 2 and reduced amounts even when I can start again.
I had hoped I could at least have decaf as a placebo but I’m not sure of its that, or the small amount that is left but decaf coffee and even decaf tea are also out.
Wish me luck as i am going cold turkey on the caffeine withdrawals. 😱
Time to give the Minima a final clean and drain it down until it can be reused. Plans for skuma and a new grinder are on hold 🙁