DavecUK thanks Dave.
Yes calibration has been checked and I can confirm that both probes read teperature indentical to each other. And that’s the main thing I’m after.
Acheiving a similar temperature in the cup should be fine because the cups are identical, everything is in the one room, neither machine is next to a sunny window or anything like that. Beans will be the same and so on.
Don’t think I want to start using a Scace and I suspect that for the purposes of the grinder/burr comparision lab thingy, it’s not as important as it would be for say checking the accuracy or pressure/temperature on any given espresso machine.
As always, your input is noted and appreciated.
I’m off to dial in 2x Varia VS3s and video a simulataneous pour from the two (basket-filled this time) Puristakas. Will post the video here again.
Thank you to EVERYONE for your input. Your support in figuring this out is exceedingly helpful.