I have been using the ECM Max for a few weeks now and love it. I’ve also been monitoring its power.
Heating up from cold takes around 25 minutes and costs around 9p each time. Ive had 3 coffee’s today, 1 around 7:40am, another around 12:00 and the last one around 2:45pm. By turning the machine on and off each time it would have worked out around 27p by the end of the day. Instead, leaving it on from 7:15am till 3:00pm worked out at 13p total as can be seen from the graph below:

The graph above also shows the power in Watts throughout the 8 hours it was left on today. It can clearly be seen during each brew how the power increased to around 1400W, but in-between brews it was cycling around 250W to keep the temperature stable.
Below shows a zoomed in reeding of the power in Watts from 9:00am to 10:00 today while the machine was idle.

Regarding the temperature stability, the group head stayed constant all day despite being covered to hold the heat in. The brew temp is set for 90°C and although the machine is showing 91°C on the PID the group is showing almost 90°C. This picture was taken today around 12:00 after I uncovered the group, the machine had been left on for around 4 hours with no cooling flushes.

I have been very surprised how stable and how cheep its been to run this machine, leaving it on all day was something I never wanted to do assuming the energy price but it just goes to show.