I do wet shave, did a triple run this morning in fact, and you phoned me as I was cleaning up. Working from left to right:
The razor on the left is a Vintage Gillette Tech Ball End Double Edge Safety Razor 1939, my dad bought it at the beginning of the war because it was small and light. This makes it over 80 years old and I have used it as my weapon of choice for over 40 years.
The plastic bowl is my rinse and drying bowl. Fill with hot water and swish the razor head into it to clean it after using each side. This keeps the sink cleaner and you don’t have to have a sink full of water….leaving scum and shaving hairs all up it. Then pop the razor into it to dry.
The Brush is my old natural bristle brush (cream, was white handle)…around 40 years old and way better than the piece of crap synthetic brush next to it. the bristle absorbs water, foams better, works better and doesn’t loose hairs like the synthetic I purchased a few weeks ago. The synthetic is also too soft. Brushes should always be stood upwards to dry, never hang em in those fancy stands!
The double walled steel shaving bowl is to fill with warm water and soak the brush, then empty. Whip up the dab of shaving cream into a rich lather(about 40s) and work the bristle brush a little, during shaving the brush sits in the bowl, ready for the second shave and possibly a triple if desired. Water used is always warm (not hot) to avoid damaging the brush.
On the right is shaving cream and I also have shaving soap (a solid block you work the brush on to fill with soap), both work well.
The tube with a red cap is my styptic pencil to stop bleeding, that particular one is over 45 years old and was really only used when I was a pimply teen. It saves having to put little bits of torn toilet roll on your face. especially handy if you forget them and go down the pub with 3 or four small pieces of tissue paper covering shaving wounds.
The razor on the right is a Gillette 195 Adjustable Safety Razor or as it is more commonly known the “Fatboy”. It’s the standard model and was purchased circa 1958 by my dad. He didn’t use it much and neither did I as it’s quite heavy. https://gilletteadjustable.com/fatboy/