dfk41 The Zero costs £530 (I think) and the burrs if you or I were to buy them cost around £150 to £200
Well… I’m not sure that’s a good indication. I suggest you go through the same rationale but use the Niche Duo instead. The burrs are a lot cheaper :-)
Looks like from the same site:

So, I’ll spell it out:
Zero: Burrs £198, grinder: £539. Difference: £341
Duo with espresso burrs only: £81, grinder: £659. Difference: £587
Does the Duo cost an extra £237 to make? I doubt it.
Moral of the story: It’s not about the individual components. It’s about the whole package and what people are prepared to pay for.
(note the price quoted for the burrs are EX VAT, but the grinder price were incl. VAT).