I had several grinders during my coffee journey. I do not believe there is definitive answer, I believe it is important to see the grinder in the larger context: coffee, machine, workflow.
I had Compak K6 and K10 (both with dosers), at this time with NS Musica. Making a lot of coffee at single espresso session. Usually medium roasted beans. Here the winner was obvious, K10, just outperforming K6 in every aspect. The taste was superior in K10, very easy to feel the difference. I sold K6, I was happy with K10.
The biggest drawback of K10 was the workflow. I was single dosing, so it was taking forever. I decided to go for Mythos Clima Pro. The workflow on Mythos was great comparing to K10. At this time I had Londinium LR and was drinking all different kind of roasts from light to dark. Taste, to be honest, I was not able to tell a difference in blind tests. When I knew what I was brewing I had the standard bias, Mythos better for light roasted, K10 for dark roasted.
Then I stopped pulling multiple shots at single espresso sessions, my wife switched to pour over so I started looking for single dose grinder. I had Niche, but at that time I was mostly drinking light roasted coffees. I preferred Mythos. Then I tried DLR, Hedone Honne. Very good grinder, head to head with Mythos. Wasn’t sure which shall stay, put both on the market and for both got offers at the same time. So decided to switch to etz. Small conical, with outer burrs rotating. Was not able to compare it had to had with Mythos nor Hedone, but for me it is the same level. But so far the best workflow from all the grinders I had (even better the best best so far: Niche). Both in single dose and on-demand mode.
Then Titus Nautilus was released, and I always wanted to have home version of EK43 at home. So I went for SSP 98 mm HU.
There was a difference, very clear difference, the 98 mm SSP HU burrs really shines for medium-light roasted coffees. Sweeter and cleaner cup then in etz. For darker roasts, etz was much better and easier to use (the workflow in etz is better then in Nautilius). But I didn’t want to have two electric grinders. So I sold etz and bought 1zpresse JE-Plus just for the dark roasts. at least for me now I have best of both worlds.
My dream setup would be probably to replace the Je-Plus with Pharos 2.0, as I still in love within 68 mm burrs from Compak.
For classic espresso I believe decent hand grinder or Niche is optimal.
Looking for different experience, playing for filter coffees in espresso, those new flat burrs has a lot to offer.