I have just purchased a new ECM Mechanika max and am looking forward to starting my journey!!
I got it out today and set it up and it was working just fine. Then I moved the machine to a new location in the kitchen and when I switch it on I get a very loud whirring noise and a message saying “bLr”. I have left it for a bit to see if it will sort itself but it doesn’t sound good so I turned it off.
Looking at the manual, I believe this means the boiler has run dry and now won’t run properly until it is connected to pipes connection as opposed to the reservoir. I don’t remember letting it run dry but I have spent so long trying to fix it I cant be sure.
First question - am I diagnosing it the issue correctly??
Second Question - is there a way to circumvent connecting it to the main water supply?
Third question - how does one connect it to the water supply? The feed hose they supply doesn’t appear the connect to any of my connections in the house? But I am no plumber, so please advise if you think there may be one!
Thank all in advance!!!