Ibrahim The GS3 MP price offered by this guy is 2800 pound
The new Lmlm price here is around 4000 pounds.
I know it seems weird but this is what he offered!
Well these comments lead me to think you like the LM brand and would like it on your counter and you don’t really like the idea of the Bianca?
The issue with owning a La Marzocco is cost, the ongoing maintenance cost can be quite high and genuine parts expensive. The LM machines probably have similar reliability to any other machines and in some areas worse because some of the group components are complex and unless regularly maintained, according to their schedules, can go wrong.
I think it’s interesting that the LM guy wants to change to a lever machine….so perhaps that’s an option for you to consider (at a similar price)….rather than a 5 or 6 year old machine.
However if you really like the idea of the GS3 buy it, although there are better machines around nowadays, available new for almost the same money. For sure built quality of the GS3 will be better than the Bianca,..but it might be a little more needy on the maintenance/repair side….then again it might not.