I did increase the temp up to 96 Celsius in steps and that creates a better taste.
Regarding extraction time, yes, I use the standard steam pre-infusion times, so my first assessment that 30 secs total is on the long side is probably wrong indeed. Reasoning was that without pre-infusion 25 secs would be sort of max.
I need even 40 secs to get a better taste. But I assumed that was way too long due to something more basic setting being off. And these 40 secs are with a finer grind to still get the 1:2.5 ratio.
I have a nespresso machine, so I know basically how espresso tastes like … Aming for a nice caramel / chocolate / sweet taste. What I get is not fruity, but maybe I need a coffee workshop to really be able to judge. It is the kind of sourness that remains at the back of the tongue for at least half an hour. But tbh, I do dislike this type of sourness in a way that now, even with a smaller hint of sourness, my taste buds start to protest. Maybe they got traumatized by my experiments … :-)
I suppose I’m on the right track. Longer infusion times up to 40 secs, including pre-infusion, are probably OK enough to not avoid. And 96 temp for now. This is a good basis to start tweaking the more advanced settings like pre-infusion times. I will also start using the flow rate as a metric, thanks.
Cheers, Bart.