When it comes to keeping my coffee alter and equipment clean, I am a bit obsessive. I empty and clean my Sage Dual boiler’s water tank every two weeks and thought I was doing OK until yesterday to my horror I saw this…

It is the float inside the water tank and as you can seee it sits in its own housing which is sealed at the top. I carefully clean out the tank washing it down ensuring that there is nothing untoward sticking to any surface but I can’t get to that one spot. I have tried using cotton buds with a bent end and poking a cloth in as best I can, but because of where it is situated and the fact the float is always in the way I cannot get into it to clean it. Consequently as you can see there is a build up of the questionable spots which cannot be good and must contaminate the fresh water I put in. I am guessing this has occurred because the machine gets warm and the wee beasties that live in what has become standing warm water in the tank start to come to life.
So, any ideas please as to what I can do to clean them off and also any preventative measures I can take, because apart from cleaning the tank out every other day I am stumped? I am also going to send the picture off to Sage to see what they might recommend.