I think Starbux are quite clever in ensuring the future of the brand in millenia to come. Think about it. Obviously their aim is to produce a coffee that would be drunk in 300 years time, when the earth’s eco system has been destroyed and the last real coffee beans grown were 200 years before. They will have outlets on the moon or mars and in every space station or human exploritory spaceship going where no man has gone before, and the resulting drink is some A.I’s idea of what real coffee would have tasted like. In doing so, they are in effect conditioning humans so their idea of ‘real coffee’ is imprinted in our DNA….Job Done!
Thank gawd my 65 years on this planet (so far) have been between 1959 and now. Real coffee, real meat, and the ability to still take a walk in lush green countryside and pine scented woods. Just a shame the rivers and seas are so full of s***e!