Elcarajillo Suggestion on TV this morning to take a reading from gas and electricity meters to ensure you are not charged the new rate for previous power used- notify supplier of your reading
Ofgem should have made this a mandatory reminder from every energy firm, not the TV.
Funnily enough, Ofgem are completely independent, but their work never seems to consider the consumer
dutchy101 Yet we are paying a 25% green tax on the energy we use. We are being taken for absolute mugs
Would have been the easiest way to immediately cut bills. We are being taken for mugs with REGO certificates, heat pumps and other double talk. We all know EON only use renewable energy sources right, although that can’t be true for gas? OK, OK, then Electricity, that’s all green isn’t it…they make a big point of saying so. Funny enough buried on their website is their legal requirement to list fuel source…This is where their electricity comes from…shock horror, they mislead us. Also that little fudge lumping domestic and small business together….you would need an FOI to separate that.
Friends of the earth along with other have always said how great it’s going to be (of course they don’t like to talk about Nuclear, unless it’s Nuclear fusion…which has a vectis like timescale, possibly even longer. Certainly not by 2050
So if this is all so great…why is there any need for a Green tax, companies should be begging for the opportunity to make all this cheap energy, create jobs and make a whole heap of money whilst saving the planet. Why are we entering fuel poverty and it’s likely to get worse?
The problem is, we live in a 24 × 7 world, we need our energy all the time, when the wind don’t blow, when the sun don’t shine enough, when it’s very cold, or we all want to cook tea. Renewable sources in the main can’t provide enough. FOTE have the answer, power stations, and better still batteries, Really!
Inside a cavernous turbine building, a 300-megawatt lithium-ion battery is currently being readied for operation, with another 100-megawatt battery to come online in 2021.
Sounds fantastic, but lets get this in perspective….a coal fired power station can produce 500 megawatt every hour. In that same hour, the worlds largest battery will be fully discharged. A Nuclear power station produces about 1 gigwatt per hour on average. Sort of 72X more power…and probably less pollution than those batteries. This means to make up for a single Nuclear power station, we need 72 worlds largest battery. Or 80,000 worlds largest batteries before we can stop using power stations.
Batteries are not a realistic solution, Fusion won’t be here by 2050, or even 2070. The main thing that’s going to save us, if people will accept it. Windmills (mainly offshore), solar, wave power and tidal…but it still won’t be enough. Instead of chucking untold billions into fusion, we should initially create Trico fuelled SMRs…get energy stability and security with the mix of renewable + SMRs, then go chasing rainbows. and the pot of gold at the end, which is fusion.