It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to list this. At breakfast I always have an americano made with a shot plus water. I have found over time, that about 5 ounces of water produces the best results but I have been looking for a long time for something simple to use, that had a bigger output. Due to the fact I find it difficult to retain information, I wanted an ‘easy’ solution! So after research I settled on this. They are circa £214 everywhere but I was offered one from BB for £165. I have used it daily, putting about 70 or 80 brews through it. It certainly is simple to use and judging by all the gushing online reviews produces a good cuppa. Now, the chances are if the world
brewed champion made me a cuppa I would not appreciate it! So, I have decided for the moment that my brief affair with brewed coffee is over. If it re-kindles, then I will apply the knowledge I have learned to my Moka pot, french press, V60, Boil Brew and countless other devices.
I want £140. Bought on April 15th this year. BB normally allow you to transfer the warranty. Who wants this bargain? Collection from Newcastle and am quite happy to post. It is extremely well made but not heavy! Comes with original packaging, all the accessories and about half a box of filter papers