I bought this unit in August 2020 on a deal of £321. They are now £445 but they bundle in a couple of ‘free’ items. My unit started to leak occasionally several months ago. Not much, probably 20 mls or so but when it runs onto your bench it is annoying. I contacted Osmio who sent me instructions to descale. I did, nothing changed. Further instructions were sent which involved stripping the unit down and soaking various internals in citric acid. Again, I did this and it did not resolve the matter.
I emailed Osmio and asked if they would discount a new purchase by the amount of the two ‘free’ items that I did not need as I already had them. The answer was no.
I changed both filters over in April so there is still a good year in them. I want to offer this unit to a forum member who understands all of the above. I did not buy a new unit because of the leak, but because after purchasing the initial unit in the following 4 years I spent another £814 with them yet was treated like a leper. Personally, as long as I have two feet regardless of personal cost, I vote with my feet and Osmio can simply, go and do one!
I want the new owner to make a forum donation of £50 to secure this. I want £10 made payable to me for postage. I also have an unopened complete set of filters. Bought singly these are £65. Yours for an additional £50. If the new owner does not require them I will post them for sale at that price later.
The leak I solved by buying this tray:

It is complete and in a new Osmio box