Many years ago when I was just a lad, the father of a very good friend was CEO of a well known company and he rang me to say they were having a warehouse clearance and did I want to buy an estimated 100,000 pairs of sunglasses and accessories. Two of us clubbed together and did and spent a very successful year working markets. But, amongst the numerous boxes was a box full of small packets marked “Snuggies”. After many moons we realised what they were for!
If you have glasses and the screws in the hinge become loose and will not tighten down, then you take a “Snuggies” which was for ease like a small “O” ring. Threaded it along the leg and into the gap where the hinge was taking up the slack! Voila! Glasses become perfectly useable once again.
Having just bought 2 pairs of glasses, I must take them on and off dozens of times a day. After a short period of time I could not look at the floor without them falling off. “Snuggies” at once came into my mind! The friend I bought the sunglasses with is long dead. I spent hours on Google but could find nothing similar, so I thought that in reality, they are just an “O” ring. SO, I researched a bit and bought a packet of 6mm ones from Amazon. They arrived yesterday and now my glasses problem is solved!