MediumRoastSteam Elcarajillo - worth a try - no harm. I didn’t find it weird or remarkably different compared to other coffees I’ve tasted.
ST30B Got burnt buying ½ kilo last year and they weren’t for me. It wasn’t an instant ‘not for me’ , but just too weird a taste for my palette. I know some members have liked em..
Dusk I’ve bought it a few times, it wasn’t anything crazy tasting IMO. I found it more enjoyable the first KG I got than I did the second, I don’t know if it was an inconsistent roast or just me tasting something that wasn’t there.
shaun__ not tried the current one but it is a blend of natural ugandan and washed rwandan beans. i might pick some up. i’ve always liked extrawelt and moderat whenever i’ve had them. just perfect roast for espresso imo.