It is each to their own, just as an Aston Martin will get you from A to B the same as a Ford Fiesta but with more bells and whistles. For me, I guess what I really want in any set of scales, whether for coffee or baking is build quality, in that it doesn’t fall apart after 6 months use and even more importantly, accuracy. If a £2.99 set of scales does that time after time, then that is fine.
I will be honest though, knowing as much about this real coffee malarkey as I do about quantum physics, being totally dependent on you lot on here who do, means if someone recommends some equipment like scales that I can actually afford or find at a knock down price or second hand, I am the sort that would go for it.
Having said that… Yes, I would love an Aston Martin ;)

I bought these at the very beginning of my coffee journey many years ago again upon recommendation, and they are still going strong. As to how accurate, I cannot say, but I will buy one of those weight thingies to find out.