Now I know this is a question some may shake your heads at, but the reason I am asking this, is because I was once exactly in the same boat and maybe so were a few of you in the long distant past, so here goes…
A friend of mine’s son came to visit, and of course I offered him a ‘real’ coffee from my humble set-up. He was blown away by the difference and has since gone away and, due to that experience, wants to start his own real coffee journey and has asked for my advice (the fool) and recommendations as to what to get.
BUT!… And as you can see it is a very big but, he lives away from home does not earn much, has very little disposable income and therefore, not a lot to spend on equipment. When I say ‘not a lot’, I am talking £200 max.
So, in my inexperienced head, I am guessing the obvious answer for that sort of money, will be a machine with a grinder included like a Sage Barista Express or the like, going for a song off somewhere like Ebay. But what do I know? Which is why I am turning to you, lovely knowledgeable, friendly real coffee’s equivalent of the Good Samaritans… and yes grovelling is not beneath me.
So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to suggest anything (combo or separates) electric or hand made or both, that would give someone with very little capital, a start on their real coffee journey.
This message will not self-destruct in 30 seconds, but you might see a grown man cry if I do not get a response.
Thank you.