Hi, I’ve stumbled upon this group and seems like a fountain of knowledge. I’ve been having an issue with my lelit Bianca which at around 9 months old started to give some issues. I know I could return it but there are issues in workshop availability and also I want to be able to troubleshoot and fix issues if they occur.
The issue is that generally on the first use of the day the machine lever needs to be pulled between 10-20 times before the pump properly kicks in. It does trigger and makes some noises but the noise is not that of a fully working pump.
Like I say, after pulling the lever up and down enough times the pump will kick in as normal and things work fine for the remainder of the day.
Video is here
I did find a video about a part sticking in the op valve so I removed that but looks like the design might be different on mine. I’ve also noticed that the pump pressure when it’s on sits at 5 bar without me doing anything - I’ve only noticed that this morning though

Tha machine is plumbed in using a bar bestmax premium and I did recently have a steamer issue whereby the sensor wasn’t working properly after it built up with some timescale on the sensor so stopped reporting - I removed cleaned it up and it solved the issue.
This does have me asking the question on how I should descale the boilers, do I have to attach the water tank and use descaler or is there a different way.
I do on a monthly basis use the puly tablet and back flush to try and clean although do notice a little timescale build up on the bottom drain valve of the grouphead
Is there a general service guide anywhere out there, I see talk of lubricants after certain activities but I confess to have never done any lubing.
Appreciate all the help you can offer