CafeNoir Cuprajake Thanks for the idea, my beastie doesn’t seem that loud but this I will try….wonder if felt pads would do same, help with moving it on counter?
CafeNoir CoyoteOldMan Tried something similar with my Fiorenzato F6 by slotting a pair of short rubber door stops under rear feet….cheap and nearly invisible. Just couldn’t handle the looks and it really didn’t seem to make much of a change to performance, lol.
Cuprajake may as well, used prices are dropping and the mrs likes it, plus its easy for me, with less swinging of the dial on the major,
DavecUK LMSC Workflow and convenience ! Pretty much 2 of the major features, and all conicals have the same sort of grind distribution, hence their popularity with many, apart from the huge retention most of them suffer from, with a few exceptions.
Cuprajake i dont really use it for me, i prefer flats, call me ‘lance’ but it does help that i can just keep the niche set at 20 for her, and then i can leave my major in the lighter range, as its a good 5 notch difference for mine to her beans
JahLaza Cuprajake I’m getting some sort of itch to get a flat again ha ha! My conscience won’t let me fork out for another new coffee thing so I’m thinking about a Mazzer Major and mod like you did. Is there a thread with your journey on that here? I may do some research before anything else! … as usual! Would find it difficult to part with the NZ but I’m missing something taste wise since the specialita left..
CafeNoir Cuprajake Oh dear lord, you just described my domestic coffee situation, the Niche is basically novice-proof (sorry my darling). The big flat’s my playground, lol
CoyoteOldMan JahLaza There’s a Royal with good burrs for sale here: It seems a bit battered, but nothing a good paint job won’t sort out…
JahLaza dutchy101 is it too late to delete my last post🙃🙃 ah I’ll leave it! Yesterday I was looking around for it but thought in the back of mind there was a good bit of info on one of the threads couldn’t find it but here I am!! Cheers anyway
DavecUK JahLaza Why would Brexit affect the purchase of a used grinder? Apart from making it 20% more expensive I guess.