Clever (small) & Hario Drip Assist 02 percolation brew video now up.
13.8g of coffee ground so that:
12% passes through a 400Kruve sieve, or 17% passes through a 500 Kruve sieve, or 29% passes through ASTM/ISO 600um sieve, after 2 minutes of hand sifting.
210g brew water in total. Start by pouring 35g of water, in 10-15sec. via the centre of the Drip Assist.
0min 20sec place the brewer on the cup/server to open the valve. All subsequent pours are via the outer ring of the Drip Assist.
0min 30sec. add up to 70g of water in total, again the pour takes 10-15sec.
1min 00sec. add up to 105g of water in total, pour takes 10-15sec.
1min 30sec. add up to 140g of water in total, pour takes 10-15sec.
2min 00sec. add up to 175g of water in total, pour takes 10-15sec.
2min 30sec. add up to 210g of water in total, pour takes 10-15sec.
Averages over 10 brews each with a different coffee: Total brew time: 3min 16sec., std dev. 9sec. Extraction yield: 20.4%, std dev. 0.6%. Subjective overall liking score: 7.6/9.
There’s also a variation for a coarser grind in the video description, but on this run of 10 brews I had a slight preference for the finer setting.