I ordered a pressure gauge from Coffee Sensor last week for my La Pavoni Europiccola and it arrived today. I thought I’d set a couple of hours aside this evening to have a look at the job and see what was involved. To my surprise and delight, ten minutes later, the job was finished!
I first removed the blanking disc from the top of the upper sight glass mount with a screwdriver. I left the plastic seal washer in place and screwed in the thread adapter with a couple of turns of PTFE tape around the threads and nipped it up very gently with an adjustable spanner. A couple more turns of PTFE around the threads on the gauge and screwed it into the adapter. The gauge was facing the wrong way, so I removed it and added another couple of turns of PTFE. The gauge was tightened up by hand and faced the front. All that remained to do was top up with water, switch on and test for leaks. Perfick. Job done in minutes and very happy!