I think you can skip the wipe of the screen. I’ve never done that on any machine.
I also don’t think you need to rinse the PF and basket each day, especially if you’re using a bottomless. I use spouted and only wash it properly once a week.
I once had a Sicilian girlfriend with an ancient Moka pot and she swore by just rinsing it occasionally as the oils improved the flavour. I’m not sure if that’s true but I learned not to argue with her 😅
I don’t find washing the PF every day has any noticeable effect on taste although I might run a shot of water through it if a puck didn’t come out clean.
As for the other parts of your schedule I think it looks good.
You could pulycaff the PF and basket once a month and rinse well if you’re using spouted, just to keep it clean.
With the boiler, im not sure whether it helps but I tend to run a couple hundred ml through the hot water spout once a week.