Today I dialled in the Moca SD and Hedone Honne for a side by side taste comparison using the same protocols as I did for the comparisons between the Moca SD and the Niche Zero and Weber EG-1, as per above. I used the same Adaptive profile on the Decent DE1XL for all pours. The Adaptive profile is designed for Medium espresso.
(For those who may not be aware, the Honne is a hybrid grinder featuring a 68mm conical burrs mounted above 68mm flat burrs, the burr sets coming from DRM. My review of the Honne can be found here: )
I used Kenyan AA Mujubi beans roasted to “City 100” as measured by a Tonino color analyser. City 100 is about as close to a Light roast as you can get without it actually being Light. Technically it is Medium/Light. Third Wave roasters would probably call it Medium.
The beans I used:

Because I noticed distinct and significant differences between the Moca SD and the other grinders previously, I was curious to see what the difference would be with the Honne.
It never pays to have expectations when it comes to espresso!
In each of the three sets of taste comparisons the espresso from one grinder was indistinguishable from the other. Unlike previous comparisons, I would fail a blind taste test between these two grinders with this bean.
Tomorrow, I’ll repeat this exercise using the Blooming profile on the Decent, which is designed for Light roast beans.
A few days after that, I’ll repeat the side by side comparison using some Medium/Dark roasted beans that are currently resting/degassing.
I’ll post results back here after each comparison but for now, it’s a tie between the Moca SD and the Honne.
Both are superb grinders and very solid quality.