Dusk I can’t be messing with icing on top, makes the whole thing too sweet for me. I know because M&S were selling them cheaply so I had to eat the whole pack to test them out.
Pompeyexile DavecUK There be lots of sugar in them thar pies….. Nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t seem to be doing me any harm…Whoop…Whoop!…Brrrup!…Wibble…Ptang!
DavecUK Pompeyexile could be turning into Jack Douglas..I suppose you will just carry on with the sugar.
Dusk I purchased some Waitrose brown butter and cognac mince pies yesterday, I tested one immediately last night and had to double check with another one this morning. They’re good but not mind blowing, perhaps my expectations were too high.
Elcarajillo Not from any supermarket, Mrs El c’s homemade mincemeat and mince pies. Mrs El c makes exceedingly good mince pies. Lots of fruit, apple, flaked almonds and lots of brandy