Amberale DavecUK Nice! I am really happy with my decision of polished SS front with the view it gives of the shot. Is the group vent into the drip tray hidden behind that polished slanted section?
DavecUK Amberale Is the group vent into the drip tray hidden behind that polished slanted section It certainly is.
chlorox DavecUK The pastries are the highlightor that’s what my stomach is telling me lol I always like these exhibition videos that you put up Dave - gives us the chance to vicariously be there…
Verion That new Minima PID looks nicer than the current one. Might have to swap the housing if and when it becomes available.
dfk41 chlorox When he says on camera, that he is on a diet, he really is…….but off camera, who knows……LOL
DavecUK dfk41 I really am, there were many free pastries and deserts offered. The more I refused the harder they tried but I resisted. I can truly say I went to one of the biggest food shows in the world and ate feck all. Not a single treat passed my lips!
dfk41 DavecUK We all know your iron will power matey…….personally, I would have had a holiday for a couple of days as a treat!