DavecUK interesting observations thanks Dave.
Work is being done on the speed of heating and temperature range and making the open boiler easier to fill.
Another positive is that unlike say the Argos and Weber Unifilter they are getting a lot of feedback from credible influencers/reviewers so that at time of launch punters like me have at least something to go on. The Unifilter in particular featured a complete and total dearth of reviews. It was “trust us, give us US$365 for a portafilter because you will really like it. And hey it’s ‘endlessly clean’ which is really cook. So really, just trust us cos we told you its great”. Personally I am a big fan of Douglas Weber, what he has achieved is extraordinary and he’s still out there talking to the great unwashed masses as coffee shows but for me, the lack of pre launch reviews was a deal breaker for something so pricey.
Xbloom did something similar but the company who did it the the best was Gevi with their 4-1 which had the prototype reviewed and YT videos published both for the original prototype as well as for the model that incorporated suggested changes. That made the buying decisions much easier and less risky.