This made me think…
I’ve lent things and people were very careful of them, and gave back in the same condition when it was lent to them.
But there were horror stories to: I’ve lent DVDs and never got them back. Even asked them years later, and the response was “I haven’t watched it yet!” 🤣
I lent a CD to someone and when I went to visit, found it being used as a coaster…
I lent a CD to someone and, 20 years later, the person contacts me saying still has my CD and asked if I wanted it back, or money back. I kindly told the person to keep it!
I don’t know…. I find this all strange and somewhat inconsiderate. When I was at school, where a very young MediumRoastSteam was starting off in life, the teacher said: “we look after our things well, but we should look after things which don’t belong to us as If they were ours, if not better”. That never left me. When people lend me stuff, I make sure it’s well looked after and that I give it back as promised.