I have a Sage Dual boiler and it has an automatic notifier as to when to do a deep de-scale, which I believe is after it reaches 200 shots. Now I know much of the descaling of any machine will depend on the hardness of the water used, and there are some on here who have all sorts equipment that gives them water quality and purity that is drunk by the Gods, in order to both protect their not insignificsnt investment in beautiful Espresso machines, but also to reach as near espresso coffee Nirvana as possible.
But, for many of us we use - at least I hope - good bottled water and often variaties that are recommended. I personally use, rightly or wrongly, either Waitrose own or Tesco’s Ashbeck. So, my question is, just how often should on do a proper de-scale? Is 200 shots too long to wait? Oh, and as for the CMF011 filters that go into the water tank, they indicate by the dial on the top that they should be changed every three months. Would you say that is about right too?
I already backfush a fair bit and do a Puly backflush and soak the shower screen, portafilters and wand tip in it at least once a month. Would you say that is acceptable? I use the machine every day about twice a day on average.
I know there may be no hard and fast rules, but your much more knowledgeable advice would be appreciated.