Maybe some of you has already seen it but there is a guy selling a custom lever machine in a facebook forum. I think the machine looks great but very difficult for me to say if it would be be wise to buy it. The guy has built lots of lever machines and I have talked to him and gotten some specifications.
Gaggia GX group head
Spring 9 bar
Boiler 0,8 liter
Tank 3 liter
Vibration pump
Heat up time: 15 min
24cm wide, 54cm deep, 70 cm high (40cm without lever)
Since this machine is custom it is of course very difficult to have an opinion if it is a good machine but still curious if anyone has any thoughts.
Besides the look I also like the rather small footprint and price is also ok for me. I have also seen a video when he brews an espresso and for me it looks good.