Having a bit of a challenge with the Duo now when switching between brew methods. It happened yesterday but I thought I might’ve just had some filter grinds stuck somewhere.
Today I ground 32g at setting 60 with RDT, and then this afternoon returned it to setting 14 where I’d brewed an espresso previously. The shot gushed so I made a second, assuming that filter grinds were in the chute. It happened again.
Adjusted to setting 12 and it extracted ok.
Repeated above and the same thing happened, I had to go slightly lower again after turning back from opening it up to filter to get a good espresso extraction.
All were with the same coffee (Caravan Daily Blend which is a medium).
Does anyone else experience this? I know most people switch burrs regularly too and I’m just using the espresso burrs so am I doing something wrong?