There seems a lot of importance put on storage as in de-gassing, taking out air and keeping in containers that no light can get into. Those recepticles from Ikea look OK but are they air tight and as they are clearly…clear, well that’s the UV light argument out the window.
I only buy beans at 250g at a time, mainly because I like to try different ones. I keep my bags in the freezer and measure out what I need when I need it and as the freezer is only 8 steps away from my coffee prep area, that’s no biggy.
Now here’s the question though… If beans are frozen, I assume they can’t de-gas so don’t have to worry about that…or do I? Also, as they are frozen in time for a realtively short time (unlike Mammoth meat) do they still deteriorate enough if at all to affect the taste?
Freezing seems a very cheap win win situation…Beans are kept in the dark, they are in a state that to a certain extent stops deterioration or at least slows it down considerably and you could say are therefore, still quite fresh when ground. If that is good enough to keep the nutrients and flavour in for freshly picked peas, is that not the same for recently roasted coffee beans?
Now you sciency lot can put me straight.