Pompeyexile and as they are clearly…clear, well that’s the UV light argument out the window.
If you are keeping them in direct sunlight it might be an issue. If not then it’s not a problem?
Pompeyexile If beans are frozen, I assume they can’t de-gas so don’t have to worry about that…or do I?
Best practice (from my understanding) would be to let the beans degass first (x number of days past roast) and then freeze.
I think freezing is an excellent way to keep beans “fresh” and I’m experimenting with it at the moment (vac pack and freezing). I have read that beans may stale quicker once defrosted, so I’m also looking at freezing single doses and grinding straight from the freezer. In a recent video I believe Hoffman didn’t notice any difference in the cup between room temp and straight from frozen beans (filter not espresso).
@spasypaddy drdre89
I have tried exactly that with frozen decaf beans from extract as recommended on here. I dialled them in 8 days past roast date - 27s shot. On the same day I froze 6 single doses in 60ml aromatherapy jars. The next day I tried grinding directly from the freezer. Apparently the grind can be finer but more uniform. Without changing the grind setting the shot ran for 31s. So I would probably adjust half a step coarser on the Niche. Didn’t notice any freezer burn on the beans but I’ll keep an eye over the coming days/weeks.
These may work for single doses and freezing with limited headspace for an 18g dose?