It looks like the water I get from my machine has a higher measured tds than the one I put in, even after a good flush.
The machine is a dual boiler Silvia Pro, 1.5 y old. I use to run with Volvic then switched to custom water, BH#4 80gh 40kh for which my TDS meter reads 113ppm 🤷. I ran with this water for many months now.
Yesterday I switched to a different water recipe, the meter reads 90ppm.
I flushed with the new water about 2L through the machine only to read 100 ppm at minimum(water in the tank measures 90)
Today I flushed about 100ml, took a sample that measures 110ppm.
All the measurements were done with the water cooled off at room temp.
I just can’t make sense of this. Could it be that I have scale deposits into my boiler that contaminates the fresh water I put in?