The only dog here is you as rhe one returning to dig up the old bone over and over again.
Of all the many complaints u have raised, I have refuted all but one. And that one issue about the limit stat, nurri has informed thta he will supply them with the machines so it is not an issue. Yet u continue to try to find more complaints to throw at the nurri. U Continue to beat dead horses like the CE issue. If u really were objective and had no agenda nor axe to grind, u wouldn’t be still here trying to unearth more issues against the nurri leva….
On the plug with the fuse inside, I am fully aware of the historical reason why the fuse was employed so u r wrong that i dont understand that. I hinted at that when I referred to the 1946 British plug. There was a copper shortage in the post war period and so the British standards group decided to use the fuse inside each plug so that the circuit is daisy chained one to another. Hence the fuse was the only layer of safety. Nowadays ww have circuit breaker in the main power board around the world so that supplies the layer of safety. However the British standsrd plug remains the same today so there is an extra layer of safety for the plugs in the UK and certain other commonwealth countries. That is why I used the plug as an analogy because the thermal breaker is that extra layer of safety for the espresso machine.
On the CE issue it is a very serious allegation u made against nurri when u questioned if there is certification. The burden of proof is on you, my “friend” since u r the one raising the insinuation. It is not on me to have to try to get such info for you.
But why are we still debating on this non issues when nurri has said they will supply All new machines with limit stats and will retrofit for existing owners who want them? The fact that u are STILL pursuing this point and beating this dead, rotting equine corpse speaks volumes of your anti nurri agenda…
Yet again on the pid issue, the issies with the firmware came up not within one year but within a month or so and nurri immediately statted liaising with gicar to provide a firmware upgrade. I know because i was one of those who had reportrd the issue to my dealer and to nurri. So the axlction by nurri was immediate. It just took this long for gicar to come out with the upgrade and to perfect ir. But why r u belabouring it after the firmware upgrade has been implemented ? It is fixed already not only for new machines but being made available for all existing users. What is the relevance of wanting to know why the pid wasn’t perfected from rhe start? Why are so many apps and prograns containing bugs even after they r released? Why wasn’t the evo chassis strengthened from the beginning instead of flexing noticeably every time the lever is pulled?
The acs has usb port inside because it is a direct from manufacturer to customer distribution model for the most part. Acs has no choice but to do that because in most countries there isnt a dealeelr to help the customer! I suspect other espresso machinrd that r distirbuted conventionally by dealers like the nurri are similar to the nurri in the fsct that firmware has to be updated by a technician…so u r using a stick to hit nurri either that I suspect would be applicable to almost every other espresso machine maker…
Lastly taking the side panel off is very easy on the nurri. And there are very few people who would need to regularly switch between the tank and the plumb in. I should ask u since u have owned 8 machines whether u could change the setting from tank to pump in from the front oanel for those other 7 machines or did uhave to get into the inside of the machine? I suspect u had to do the latter right?