Day 17
Another filter start for the day, which means there will be 4 burrs swap for the day. The overnight burr set will always be espresso for decaf reasons. Two swaps - filter and espresso - have already happened this morning.
Made a V60 at #17 mark on the Duo for the usual Kruve 400. I am still sampling two grind references; and, one at the #17 mark and the other at #31.
The filter was Crankhouse Colombian Yenni. Excellent coffee giving dried mango flavour.
Swapped the burrs for espresso, when my family came down from bed for morning coffee. Made two shots of Foundry’s Rocko Mountain and decided to help myself with a Black Americano.
Opened Cartwheel’s Colombian Winton Benitez - Grape Fruit, Sherbet and Cane Sugar, 17.5g, 40.6g, 46s, pulled at 7 bars. Excellent coffee with grape fruit fruity acidity, sweetness and taste. The sugar taste came out straightaway throughout and also as after taste.