MediumRoastSteam I was also concerned about the fair usage policy if we start getting lots of traffic due to being indexed by Google et al.
It’s why I have not enabled direct uploading to the server…glad that whisper (PM system) works like crap, because that can be resource intensive and fortunately is self limiting. No one will want to use it loads.
Everything I have enabled is off forum wherever possible, to minimise resource usage…To Tait and CFUK ownership of images, holding everything on the forum might have been super important, because he wanted to sell it…I don’t so to me, keeping it off the forum is efficient. The googlebots crawl quite efficiently so, I am hoping that won’t be a problem.
As you know though I have plans im putting together just in case….self hosting if I can make it work, and paid hosting ( i already found something fairly priced), if it won’t. I would prefer to stay on freeflarum though. I think they can do with our support.