DavecUK Oh dear lord, you called that right….B&W tv with a single channel that came on at 5pm and off again at 11.30pm (NZ), Aniseed balls, wine gums 4 for a penny, that pneumatic tube system in department stores, the first car of Dads I can remember was a Vauxhall 14, then a Vanguard (big leap forward, lol), the neighbours had a “Beverley Hillbillies” style Model A Ford - way before the tv show - as their only car… and yes, eye level gas grills, heck yes. Mum had a Ford Popular as a second car…the post War model, lol.
Thinking about how naff it was that people would pay to see Elvis’s car when it was on tour - just the car, mind.
My first motorcycle was a 1949 Matchless 500 single, thought I was Christmas. You’ve unleashed a veritable torrent of memories, lol.
Playing Beatles records on Dad’s suss little portable record player with the speaker in the lid - and Beatles wigs, lol