Pompeyexile When I am ready to open a bag, I decant all the beans into jars that hold 36g as quick as possible and bung them back in the freezer, as shown below. Just to be clear, now in a frozen state does that mean they no longer de-gas, or if they are is the screwtop jars holding in any gas
This is a tricky one…
- I don’t believe beans “degass” I think there might be some very small amount of CO2 in the matrix of the bean, but in the main I believe most of the CO2 is produced by the action of O2 and other chemical changes that go on in the coffee…which I also believe develops flavour.
- What you are doing is probably the best way for minimum exposure/effect of O2, as long as the jars have minimum headspace….it “might” be better to use airscapes, although those seem to leak a bit!
So it’s certainly better to squeeze what you can out of the main bag, tape it and stick it in the freezer ASAP.
P.S. One of the other issues is biodegradable bags….many are not a complete barrier as foil is. many many years ago I experimented with packing coffee in food safe plastic bags….BUT, I could always smell the coffee if they were sealed in a cupboard and when I stored them in the vegetable compartment (sealed) of a fridge…I got vegetal coffee!
I keep saying to people, get a biodegradable bag, tape up the valve, put in a cupboard and open after a week, if you can smell the coffee, it’s an imperfect barrier.