If anyone is wondering what “the code” is referring to, it gives you 10% off DF grinders when ordering from df64coffee.com in Singapore.
Pease note that I don’t receive any comission and also if you can get the same grinder locally for say within 20% extra compared to df64coffee prices, I’d recommend you buy local (and especially if you are in driving distance to the supplier).
The code is: tompolandcommunity
BTW the DF64 Gen 2 will accommodate SSP burrs but note that I’m down to 3 on the dial with them for light roasts so I might run out of runway if grinding Nordic light beans for expresso. I’ve got some coming from Tim Wendleboe that should be here in a few weeks so I’ll try and remember to let you know how it goes. In the meantime I’m currently using the Gen 2 daily and its delivering wonderful espresso in the cup and the antistatic device is such a great idea that it will surely become a feature of an increasing number of new models.