Elcarajillo Anyone remember the same stuff but in a yellow cardboard tube, about 4 ½″ X 1′' sweet tobacco. Also refreshers ? and licorice root. Fry’s five boys.
dfk41 Uncletits I remember at Xmas we used to get larger boxes of them (sweet cigarettes) with about 100 in! You always pretended to ‘smoke’ the first one then after that just ate them!
dfk41 Elcarajillo Is the middle photo liquorice root? The lady who invented Victory V’s became a multi millionaire as well!
Elcarajillo dfk41 Yes the middle photo is licorice root, used to buy a single piece and chew and suck for hours. Better than ‘vapes’🤣. The original Victory v’s had chloroform as one of their ingredients😜 , forget the E numbers.
DavecUK I remember having to go to the sweetshop for my Dad and buy this..The original was superior to any of the later relaunched.