Elcarajillo Found lots of these on the lawn, an infestation of miner bees, apparently they like sandy soil
Doram Elcarajillo Found lots of these on the lawn, an infestation of miner bees, apparently they like sandy soil Saves work on aerating the lawn. :)
Pompeyexile Our back garden slopes and when we had grass we had a visit from them too. Didn’t have the heart to try and erradicate them just carried on as normal cutting the grass when required and they eventually went away on thier own accord.
DavecUK Pompeyexile Our back garden slopes and when we had grass we had a visit from them too. Didn’t have the heart to try and erradicate them just carried on as normal cutting the grass when required and they eventually went away on thier own accord. I had some too, didn’t really cause any problems and went away on their own. I’m on sandy soil, which I think they prefer?