Well it’s finally arrived

Just seasoning it which will take some time using the elecric motor because the manual recommends a 90 second rest between grinds and not more than 6 minutes of operation per 30 minutes. Oh dear, didn’t know about that before. Caveat emptor and all that.
Whilst that’s a bit restrictive for seasoning the burrs, it’s still enough to bang out two espressos over five minutes or so (duration of grind yet to be measured).
At this stage the motor itself feels a bit of a gimmick. I mean, hand grinding for one or two espressos is really not a monumental task. Lot of user experience ahead of me so I won’t jump to any conclusions just yet about the usefulness of the motor.
But I think there may be a few others here that bought a motorized hand grinder recently so I’d love to hear your thoughts on the concept.
Still, I’ve bought it for reviewing, I’m unlikely to keep it but who knows, if I prefer the burrs to the C60 it might just become my travel grinder. Never say never.