HarveyMushman Chatting to a guy at Origin’s roastery a while ago he said it wasn’t ideal for switching between different beans/roasts (for pourover). Is that not true?
I think he meant in a shop setting. No grinder, once set up for espresso grind, will like be shifted for other roasts and pourover and back again. That said, in the home setting, the EK43 is a joy. My espresso range is between 0.5 - 2.00, V60 11-12 and Chemex 15-16 (max coarse setting for my burr set). I can move back and forth in the settings with ease. There aren’t many grinders that can produce excellent espresso shots and be equally good with pour over.
That said, one feature of the EK43 is shot ratio. It’s best in the range of 1:2 or higher. I pull 1:2.5 to get the shots I like with like roast but there is a trade off - you get less body/mouthfeel with longer ratios.