Edspresso I cannot upload the video, but happy to send you by wetransfer.com. I would need yr mailaddress for that.
Water is Dh 5 in our area, which is harder than I was told before. Therefore i encountered severe scaling in the boilers. I took them out and completely cleaned them and heating elements, renewing the sealing. I will buy a water softener when I have resolved the machine issue.
Description of problem: I filled the boilers up after maintenance, pump worked alright, but my mistake i swapped the heatsensors, so I obviously got an alarm on high brewboiler temperature (which was the temp of the steamboiler of course).
After I corrected this the machine started to show the said pump issue. It starts a few secs but then stops; display shows interval water min-max and then “filling time out” after the set period of 100 sec. Boiler heating does not start at all because it is waiting for the pump I presume.
I sent the video to ACS last week and they tell me that I need to replace the pump. (wailing new stock replenisment) By the way, in 2019 pump was replaced under guarantee by Paolo, where I let the installation do by their retail partner.
To put a video on here, upload to YouTube as unlisted and simply paste the YT link here, the forum will do the rest.
I don’t believe in coincidences, so it’s quite likely there is nothing wrong with the pump, especially as it showed the issue only after the descaling. It could be that the system is still scaled around the solenoids and pathway to the brew boiler, did you run descaler through these parts? If you did descale by running the pump with descaler in the tank, perhaps some loose bits of scaled lodged in a solenoid.
This was the reason your PTFE tubing had a problem as one of the solenoids would have scaled and water expansion fractured the tubing. As I mentioned earlier.
I can’t be sure, but yours was an early model and around the time when some the FOT gear pumps had a bad drive magnet…the coupling between the induction motor made by Cruzet and the gear pump head. I suspect the Retailer just bullied ACS into sending a new pump when all that was needed was a replacement pump magnet (retailers tend to do this).
Until I see the video, I can’t know your pump is completely OK, but I suspect there is nothing wrong at all with your pump. It might just be that it needs priming using a squirt bottle full of water on the inlet tube. Sometimes they can be reluctant to prime. Something like this

One important thing, to get the pump to prime, you should be using a flat 9 bar profile!