Thank you for all the tips guys! Just gave the machine a whirl with the following results: (Pre ground beans because DHL have still not delivered the grinder!!!)
First shot: 19 grams in, 40 grams out in around 30 seconds + 5 preinfusion - Realised half way through taste testing it was hugely underextracted as it was very sour. Surprising as I thought I’d nailed it.
Second shot: Puck preparation was poor, and then I messed up weighing while trying to stopwatch on my phone, so ditched this one.
Third shot: 19 grams in, 41 grams out, in around 50 seconds. (5 secs preinfusion + 45.) Thought I’d screwed it up so gave it a sip. Nice and nutty, hint of chocolate. Put on the milk and made it into cappuccino. Eminently pleasant. Thought I’d post here while drinking it, but it’s all gone. Not bad for pre ground coffee!
So a few follow up questions: I’ve been rinsing the basket and portafilter after each brew. Do I need to do this?
It was only roasted yesterday. Will this make a difference?
How and where should I store the open bag?
Thanks for the basket tips too. Think I definitely need a dosing funnel/cup and perhaps a bottomless portafilter soonish. Also need to get some proper coffee scales. (I’m using a set from my coin collection currently)