Emc2 Sure the raw data.
There isn’t a correlation between taste preference & TDS, but there is a correlation between taste preference/flavour balance and extraction yield, hence the broad region of interest around 18-22%EY (thought to be shifted a couple of % higher for the EK-43 used for espresso) that has between reinforced many times over the last 70 years. Individual coffees will show a more narrow ROI than that 4% span, but different extractions of the same bean, with preference scores would still be interesting to see.
Yes, preference is subjective but we brew coffee and perfect & hone techniques to steer the taste to our preference. If we have a data point to refer to, then people can use information to corrobrate findings, or use it to use as a basis to explore a more personalised target.
If extraction doesn’t correlate to taste, how can we tangibly use any of this information and how can it matter in any way?