Elcarajillo I have read them multiple times as well Frank. After my heart issues in 2019, when I was woken up from an enforced coma, my family did not know if I would be a cabbage or some degree of normal….but I would never be what I once was. I was advised to help overcome short and long term memory issues, to read books that I had already read before. I decided to read the Reacher series again, in order. The first 7 or so books, I new I had read before but I had absolutely no idea what happened next. The next few were more familiar with me having some vague recollection as to what was going to happen. The rest of them it was back to square one. It was like reading something for the first time! Perhaps I have a debt to Lee Childs! I have to say, the last few books have not been anywhere near as good, in my humble opinion!